Our 2023 projects appear all over California representing 8 different counties! With our eight projects we are bringing 400 needed affordable homes to individuals and families earning between 30-60% of the average median income (AMI). Thank you to our project and financial partners we worked with to make these projects a reality!
“At Merritt, we take our partnerships seriously, leading with solutions instead of problems. Whether with project sponsors, investors, or other funders, we are proactively committed to finding solutions as a team in order to ensure the affordable housing we invest in can succeed.”

Developer Partners
A Community of Friends
Allied Housing/Abode Services
American Baptist Homes of the West
American Family Housing
Area Housing Authority of the County of Ventura
BRIDGE Housing
Burbank Housing
Carmel Senior Housing Inc
Charities Housing Development Corporation
Christian Church Homes of Northern California
Allied Housing/Abode Services
American Baptist Homes of the West
American Family Housing
Area Housing Authority of the County of Ventura
BRIDGE Housing
Burbank Housing
Carmel Senior Housing Inc
Charities Housing Development Corporation
Christian Church Homes of Northern California
Community Housing Improvement Program
Community Housing Works
Deep Green Housing and Community Development
EAH Housing
East Bay Asian Local Development Corp.
Eden Housing
Housing Authority of the City of Eureka
Housing Authority of San Louis Obispo
Jamboree Housing
Community Housing Works
Deep Green Housing and Community Development
EAH Housing
East Bay Asian Local Development Corp.
Eden Housing
Housing Authority of the City of Eureka
Housing Authority of San Louis Obispo
Jamboree Housing
LA Family Housing
Many Mansions
Mercy Housing
Mission Housing
Mutual Housing California
Napa Valley Community Housing
Pacific Housing
People’s Self-Help Housing Corporation
Petaluma Ecumenical Properties
Preservation Partners Management Group, Inc.
Rural Communities Housing Development Corporation
Many Mansions
Mercy Housing
Mission Housing
Mutual Housing California
Napa Valley Community Housing
Pacific Housing
People’s Self-Help Housing Corporation
Petaluma Ecumenical Properties
Preservation Partners Management Group, Inc.
Rural Communities Housing Development Corporation
Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency
Self-Help Enterprises
Sequoia Living
Solano Affordable Housing Foundation
St. Vincent’s Institution
Standard Property Company
Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation
TerraCorp Property Management and Investments
The John Stewart Company
The Pacific Companies
Self-Help Enterprises
Sequoia Living
Solano Affordable Housing Foundation
St. Vincent’s Institution
Standard Property Company
Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation
TerraCorp Property Management and Investments
The John Stewart Company
The Pacific Companies