Commitment to California

Investing in affordable housing and people,

building a stronger California

To Strengthen the next generation

Merritt launched Commitment to California in 2022 to educate, train, and support current and future housing professionals via scholarships, internships, career development, and innovative engagement. We know that solving the affordable housing crisis requires significant investments in the next generation of affordable housers, who will change the future of our state. Focusing on equity, diversity, and inclusion in the industry by collaborating with partners and creating new opportunities for our future affordable housing leaders is fundamental to building a better California for all.  

Merritt Scholars


Asset Management Training


Housing development Training institute participants

Internships and Professional Development Programs

Merritt scholars

We are expanding the Merritt Scholars program to attract the next generation of affordable housing finance and development professionals. Scholars will benefit from mentorship and industry exposure, attending industry conferences, networking, and post-graduation mentorship opportunities.

BAHIP Year 3
Photo Coming Soon

Merritt Asset Manager Specialist+ Cohort

We were excited to launch a new Asset Manager cohort in 2023! This year, participants will go through virtual and live instructor-led sessions utilizing the Consortium for Housing and Asset Management (CHAM) education training materials

Participants will complete their AMS designation from CHAM, learn about an asset management career, be involved in working groups and discussions, and have networking opportunities.

Housing Development training institute

We are partnering with LISC and California Housing Partnership (CHP) to expand HDTI, allowing three times as many participants. This consequential program trains project managers at non-profit affordable developers and is the only one like it in the state of California. It is an intensive one-year training program to provide project managers with the wide range of expertise necessary to develop affordable housing. We are committed to supporting the success of the affordable housing industry and this is the program to do that.

LISC Internship
CCRH Internship Program

Statewide professional development programs

Merritt proudly supports internships and career development programs across the state that foster diverse leaders and strives to create equity throughout the industry. By contributing to the future of California we are building opportunities to create more equitable representation, leading to a stronger, more diverse, industry. We are providing financial support to Housing CA, Non-Profit Housing Association, CCRH, SCANPH, San Diego Housing Federation, and California Housing Partnership to support programs across the state that will strengthen the affordable housing industry.